Infectious Diseases Unit
The team will work on diagnosis and treatment of endemic diseases through medical research, education and translation of knowledge into practice by which we can discover new treatments and methods of prevention of infectious diseases.
Sub-disciplines, clinics and subunits
1- General infectious diseases clinic for adults .
2- General infectious diseases clinic for children .
3- Fever of unknown origin clinic
4- Specific clinics, including:
· Advice to traveler's clinic
· Sexually transmitted diseases clinic
· HIV clinic
· Infections in immunocompromised clinic
5- Infectious disease clinic for pregnant women: will be held with collaboration of gynecology and obstetrics department to manage both infections that are peculiar for pregnants as TORCH infections as well as other infections that highly affects the outcome of both the mother and the newborn as HIV and HBV infections.
6- Diagnostic and interventional ultrasound unit
Fever of unknown origin clinic plan:
- Vision: To be the reference clinic for diagnosis and management of cases of fever of unknown origin on the national and regional level.
- Members:
The clinic will involve members from:
· Tropical medicine department.
· Chest department
· Cardiology department
· Dermatology department
· Neurology department
These members should attend at a regular weekly meeting every Monday to revise case by case the best way of management according to the international guidelines putting in consideration their other comorbidities, in addition a schedule will be done for lecturers, assistant lecturers and assistant professors to cover the rest of the week managing urgent cases.
Advice to traveler’s clinic plan:
- To provide awareness and education for travelers to different countries all over the world, both general and specific according to specific comorbidities of the traveler.
- To provide awareness and education for travelers from different countries to Egypt, both general and specific according to specific comorbidities of the traveler
- To provide vaccinations for travelers according to CDC guidelines.
- To detect index cases of travelers infected by imported illnesses.
Team: - Tropical medicine, clinical pharmacy
Diagnostic and interventional Ultrasound unit:
- Diagnostic ultrasound unit has a critical role in diagnosis of many infectious diseases including FUO, TB, Hydatid, Sepsis…….
- The unit also provides therapeutic interventional role through performing aspiration, injection, and biopsy taking.
- The unit has a great role in education through training courses held for both beginners and professionals.
- It also helps in scientific research activities.
HIV clinic
- Aim: to be reference center for HIV cases and to provide:
- Education for HIV cases and their contacts.
- Management of HIV disease and providing specific treatment according to the most recent guidelines.
- Management of opportunistic infections met by HIV patients.
- Management of coinfections met by these groups of high risk exposure as drug addicts including HIV/HCV, HIV/HBV, HIV/ sexually transmitted diseases.
Infections in immunocompromised patient’s clinic plan
Immunocompromised patients represent distinct group of patients both by their primary illness as being on haemodialysis, chemotherapy or immunsupression for organ transplantion….
, and by the pattern of infections met by them including aggressive infections and presence of opportunistic infections
The clinic aims at providing the best level of care for these groups in management of infections taking into consideration their primary illness, for this, the clinic will include the co-operation of the following members:
- Infectious diseases specialists.
- Oncology specialists.
- Nephrology specialists.
- Rheumatology specialist.
- Transplantation experts.
- Clinical pharmacists
Sexually transmitted diseases clinic
Aim: to provide:
- Education for the patient and his partner.
- Medications for both patient and partner.
- Preventive measures including vaccination for high risk groups.
- The clinic will include the following members:
Gynecologist, infectious diseases specialist, andrologist, and urologist.
To provide high level of quality in these specific clinics, the following programs of integration and efforts are being undertaken:
A- Collaboration with fever hospitals (starting by Imbaba and Almaza fever hospitals), the collaboration involves:
- Training program for our junior staff (Residents and assistant lectures) which involves complete deputation (9:00 am to 4:00 pm) of the resident in fever hospital; for a period of two months to attend clinical rounds and share responsibilities of patients in fever hospital to get experience in dealing with special cases of infectious diseases including cases of CNS infections, fever of unknown origin, HIV, malaria and managing critically ill patients with severe infections in ICU. The resident should sign log book for attendance and participation and should present a presentation of the most interesting cases he/she meets in his/her training period to the department staff round.
- The resident and assistant lecturer are responsible to keep copies and take pictures of the most interesting cases they met to provide an archive for scientific meetings and cases presentation
- Attendance of the scientific meetings held weekly at the fever hospitals as well as ICU rounds by assistant lecturers, lecturers and assistant professors. They will be responsible as well for collecting data of all interesting cases at fever hospital to create a pool of cases under different categories including (CNS infection, HIV, FUO….) that can be presented at different scientific meetings in collaboration with fever hospital clinicians.
- Participation of fever hospital staff in our department and Thabet Thabet hospital scientific meetings, and conferences.
- Building up FUO clinic at our outpatient clinic at Kasr Alainy hospital
B- Regular scientific meetings
- Regular scientific meetings will be presented monthly, in which infectious diseases topics will be presented in a multidisciplinary team approach, where infectious disease specialists, clinical pathologists, parasitologists, community medicine and internal medicine specialists all collaborate.
- Similarly, a postgraduate course for infectious diseases will be presented every Sunday as well at our department for master and MD candidates.
C- Infectious diseases' book with Atlas for interesting cases:
The team is planning to write comprehensive articles of infectious diseases with stress on Egypt, Arab and African Countries epidemiology of diseases, and this book should include atlas for interesting cases examined by the team
D- Building infectious disease diploma, and university board of infectious disease:
We are planning to collaborate with medical syndicate and the university for building infectious disease diploma and university board of infectious disease sharing the scientific part at our department by the staff of infectious diseases group, and the practical part at Imbaba and Almaza fever hospitals.
E- Research team:
- Infectious diseases' team aims at constructing research team for research and publishing of infectious diseases' topics as clinical studies, trials and case reports presentations in collaboration with fever hospital clinicians.
- Collaboration with Thabet Thabet lab to keep blood samples of managed patients for future scientific research.
- The team can apply:
· Msc and MD theses for doctors of tropical medicine, clinical laboratory, parasitology, radiology, and biochemistry departments.
· Abstract publication in important international conferences.
· Training programs
· National congresses.
· International collaboration with important agencies as CDC (Centre of disease control), and NAMERO
· Research projects including screening, diagnosis, treatment of infectious diseases.
- Research work involving infectious diseases topics will be an integral part in publications needed for promotion of the staff members, lecturers and assistant professor’s researches should contain at least two topics of infectious diseases apart from HCV and HBV topics to be legible for promotion.
Tropical medicine members have a lot of publications in the issue of infectious diseases